Disbanded Guild
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Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin

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Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin Empty Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin

Post  Taruli Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:36 pm

What is your age? - 22
Where are you from? - English
Do you have Mumble? - Yes
Microphone? - Yes
Name - Taruli / Ash
Class - Paladin
Level - 90
Spec - Protection
Gear - Armorylink  http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/Taruli/simple

- Are you willing to change spec if needed? If you have a dual PvE spec, what is your gear like for it?
i am mainly Protection, my offspec is ret in which i basically use my prot gear as the stats are more or less the same for ret anyway, and have the normal 2h sword from sha, so can be ret if needed but not MS

- What is your former experience?
Soo Normal - 14/14 .. SoO HC - 3/14

- What Guilds have you previously been in? What was your reason for leaving each Guild?
i server changed to Auchindoin around 2 months ago, formally had my own guild in which we did 13/14 normal, but due to the server been dead and recruitment was very hard, we disbanded and i changed server.

Deliverance, this is the guild i am currently in, but due to 2 members including the GM server changing, its left us to go our seperate ways and i am looking for a new home Smile.

- Do you know anyone in Disbanded that would vouch for you?
I dont im afraid no Sad

- Why do you want to join Disbanded?
ive seen on wow progress and your site that youre a stable guild in which i would like to be apart of that Smile.

- Tell us why we should pick you
i am dedicated, always online and at the raid before invs with flasks pots and noodle carts, can always rely on me to always have my gear upgraded and enchanted with nothing slacking, and i watch all videos and read up on tactics so i am fully aware of the bosses we are facing whether they are bosses weve already done or new bosses for progression.

- How long have you been playing WoW/Char that you are applying with?
ive played wow since vanilla, played enhance shaman for 6 years, been playing palading since midway through wotlk too.

- Can you give us a short description of what you do when you're healing, dpsing, or tanking? (Note: this is where you show us how well you know your class)
it all depends on the fight really, if im starting with aggro, i mostly start with judgement, crusader strike, consecration, judgement again, and pop divine protection (to help the healers with my 4 set bonus Wink)
normally stack 5 stacks of bastion of glory, then self heal, normally use this rotation with the additions of lights hammer, trinket use of rooks unlucky talisman, and devotion aura when needed, and kings, but again, it all depends on the fight, take immerseus for example, when i know corruption blast is coming, ill use divine protection then and make sure i have 5 stacks of bastion of glory to self heal to full straight after.

- We normally raid Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20.00-23.00. Sometimes we have to move our raids to other days due to exams and other rl stuff. Would you be able to attend?
this is 7-10pm English time and have no problem with that at all Smile.

- Tell us something about yourself.
Well im hard working, an engineer in real life so i think i have the mind set of a good raider as in my job i need to be focused all the time and know what i have to do, as one mistake could cost the company lots of money, so yeh i think with that thats why i always want my character to be as best geared as it can be with enchants gems and upgrades, and make sure i know what im doing so i dont wipe the raid.

- If possible, provide a recent raiding log here. If not, tell us which kind of ice-cream you like least.
haha i like this question Razz.. i dont really keep raid logs to be honest, as a tank its something i dont really check up on, just look at how much im healing on myself and my dps. but ice cream, it has to be chocolate. dont get me wrong, i love chocolate, just not on ice cream, it seems wrong lol.

- What is your current progress on the legendary quest chain?
well back at beginning of MoP i was seldom casual, as i said before the server i was on was dead, therefore it was hard for me to get into a guild, so didnt exactly do the quest as i thought there isnt much point of me getting a gem for all that time and effort when im not raiding, but alas, now im on it, and im on 9/12 runestones, so next wednesday i will have my cloak when ive done my LFR's.

P.s. hope to hear from you soon, if there is anything else you wish to know, send me a mail in game or add my btag, Taruli#2666

see you Very Happy


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Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin Empty Re: Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin

Post  Merberan Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:30 pm

Hi, just dropping a post real quick to let you know we're looking into your application at the moment, I haven't had alot of time to go through it thoroughly, but just letting you know we've seen it :p

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin Empty Re: Declined - Taruli - Protection Paladin

Post  Merberan Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:14 pm

Yeah I've been reading through your app for a bit, and I see (minor) mistakes regularly. Combine that with the fact that your gear and experience aren't the greatest, plus that we don't really have a slot for another paladin, we're going to have to decline your application. Hope you find a guild that suits your needs swiftly Smile

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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