Disbanded Guild
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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

Post  defibulator Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:20 pm

What is your age? - 19
Where are you from? - England
Do you have Mumble? - No but used it before and can DL it ofc
Microphone? - Yes got a decent headset
Name - Wes
Class -Priest
Level -90
Spec -Shadow/Disc
Gear - Armorylink http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Defibulator/advanced

- Are you willing to change spec if needed? If you have a dual PvE spec, what is your gear like for it?
Currently my disc spec is actually most geared because it was my main but for WoD I want to swap to DD if possible either on my rogue or as shadow. So for MoP I'd be happy to perform either role and I can do either role well.
- What is your former experience?
Since ICC (when i started raiding 2 months before Cata) I have had good/full clears 9/12HC ICC 7/7HC FL 8/8HC DS then I stopped playing after starting uni since guilds disbanded and i didnt like MoP much but i played some short term and i got 2/12HC ToT in reasonable timing.
- What Guilds have you previously been in? What was your reason for leaving each Guild?
All on darkspear left my FL guild because they Xfered&drama left my DS guild because the group changed alot and I didn't like it
- Do you know anyone in Disbanded that would vouch for you?
No I am actually Xfering and don't know anybody on this server but i granted my rogue to it for a fresh start
- Why do you want to join Disbanded?
Spoke to somebody after they advertised in trade, the raid times are good for me and he seemed like a nice guy, hopefully thats a reflection on everybody in the guild.
- Tell us why we should pick you
I'm a sociable guy outside of raids and in raids I can get the job done no matter what I'm given
- How long have you been playing WoW/Char that you are applying with?
5 Years on and off and ive always had priest main.
- Can you give us a short description of what you do when you're healing, dpsing, or tanking? (Note: this is where you show us how well you know your class)
DPSing- Keep them DoTs running, snapshot if i get the chance prioritize the correct target. i.e actually kill stuff like the bombers on DS gunship
Healing- Use cooldowns when they are needed priorities targets keeping everybody healthy and get out them absorbs when high dmg is incoming.
Both- try to take minimal damage from the encounter, GTFO of fire and position myself so I have to move as little as possible
- We normally raid Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20.00-23.00. Sometimes we have to move our raids to other days due to exams and other rl stuff. Would you be able to attend?
Well obviously moving of raids due to RL stuff will also depend on my RL stuff as to whether or not I can attend the new days, but probably.
- Tell us something about yourself.
I'm second year Electrical engineering uni student in England that didn't raid first year and missed it a lot. I like to keep fit but like playing games even more but I'm kind of a one game kind of guy so I'll probably stop playing LoL when I start raiding again but I will still watch it because its great to watch imo.
- If possible, provide a recent raiding log here. If not, tell us which kind of ice-cream you like least.
I havent had any logs since DS so sadly can't provide them and to be honest its a hard 1 because I don't really eat ice cream but when i do I'll eat any kind.
- What is your current progress on the legendary quest chain?
Progressing through the VP section still because i have barely played MoP sadly, Damn that quest chain is dumb imo.
- Please add an UI screenshot to your application.
IKR who uses the blizz raid frames, I just think they look good and they give everything you need to know check the link to see some of my other ui's because if i change it, it will probably look like them (elv ui)
Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest WoWScrnShot_081714_140209


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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty extension on how i play

Post  defibulator Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:31 pm

So I figured i shnould elaborate more on my healing routine after i read somebody elses application.
so here goes
As disc there are 2 ways to heal, atonement and straight up healing. I prefer to heal as its is similar in throughput but i find it more fun. so basically instead of casting smite as a constant filler i will use heal instead to keep grace(healing buff) on priority targets i.e tanks. I use solace(holy fire) to stack evangelism and make sure it is 5 as much as possible and defnately befoe AA(archangel) comes off cooldown since. I usually use AA on cd unless damage can be predicted and it can be saved for afew seconds but the CD is so short it is probably better to just use. I will use smite for filler if the damage is low aoe or something.
As Shadow i follow the rotation MB-death-3orb DP-VT-SW:P-flay as i mention keep up VT and SW:P up at all times and snapshot it on boss(trinket/springs/encounter buffs procs recasting) generally taking halo and using it on cooldown and in AoE ofc put out my dots on secondary targets while maintaining.


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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Re: Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

Post  Merberan Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:12 pm

Allrighty, it's good that you noticed that you should expand upon your rotation a bit, it gets tiring to have to repeat that :p

I've just glanced over your app for now, it looks decent, although I'm a bit worried about your current gear level. I'll get back to you as soon as I have some time to go into more detail.

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Re: Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

Post  Merberan Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:18 am

Allrighty I'm back and got some time now :p

So, first of all, I see you have quite a few items not enchanted (chest, belt, boots) and your reforges seem WAY off, I'll ask our current shadow priest to take a look at your armory, but comparing your current gear setup with the guides and with several shadowpriest armories, there are quite big differences. Feel free to read up on that and fix it while you're at it though :p

I'll get back to you as soon as I've talked to our spriest

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Reforges

Post  defibulator Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:22 am

Oh sorry about that. My reforges are actually setup for disc atm. The spirit gems which would not be present on shadow and I definitely wouldn't be reforging out of haste into spirit.
At my gear level I would just gem&reforge as much as possible into haste for shadow and try to hit soft cap, so my glove enchant would be switched along with many gems and reforges.
The reason my reforges are like this is, in my most recent guild I was playing disc and I had to use the exact same gear and therefore didn't want to swap out my gems until I know I'll be playing shadow.


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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Re: Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

Post  Merberan Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:41 am

Do you use any specific site for gear optimisation?

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty optimization

Post  defibulator Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:52 pm

I read guides on Ice veins and how to priest and others i may find through searching like the method one which is now outdated. from them i know what i should be doing and i look for breakpoints if they are some (extra tick/cast time) and I adjust my gems&reforges accordingly so I can be as close to just over the best breakpoint for my current gear level. I will sometimes go on MR robot but i dont act like its the bible of reforging


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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty Re: Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest

Post  Merberan Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:52 pm

Allrighty well, at this point what we can do for you is take you in on some SoO farmruns so you can gear up a bit. For WoD we have a more prevelant spot for you normally, but at the moment we need some gear into you first before we can take you on the main progression team. If this sounds good to you, feel free to /w me or another officer for an invite Smile

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Defibulator - Shad/Disc priest Empty transfer

Post  defibulator Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:58 pm

Ok thanks for the opportunity, this sounds good. I will sort out my gear/gems&reforges for shadow spec and transfer servers tomorrow and /w somebody for the invite.


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