Disbanded Guild
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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Deenster Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:02 pm

What is your age? - 17
Where are you from? - UK/England
Do you have Mumble? - Yes
Microphone? - Yes
Name - Deenster
Class - Druid
Level - 571
Spec - Boomkin/Balance Druid
Gear - Armorylink: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/deenster/simple

- Are you willing to change spec if needed? If you have a dual PvE spec, what is your gear like for it?
To be honest i don't feel comfortable in changing spec, but if it is needed i could always practice in LFR/flex until i become happy enough to play what is needed and i don't really have any gear for dual spec.

- What is your former experience?
I've not had that much raid experience but i have raided 8/14 HC in MOP, i started late may 2014.

- What Guilds have you previously been in? What was your reason for leaving each Guild?
Malicious intentions, was only a social in there left due to wanting to gain raiding experience in HC. Simply The Best(still in), I want to leave simply the best due to the fact 1/2 of the time there is not enough raid sign ups and most of the times the people just like to mess about whilst raiding and seem to not wanting to get anywhere, where as I'm wanting to try and get far as I can with MOP.

- Do you know anyone in Disbanded that would vouch for you?
Unfortunately not.

- Why do you want to join Disbanded?
I've seen you guys made good progress during MOP and would like to be apart of that. Also i like the raid times wed/sun/mon 20:00 23:00 which gives us more time to be able to progress further.

- Tell us why we should pick you
I'm reasonably good at what I do, but i do make some mistakes then and there but I'm willing to learn from it, I get along with most people.

- How long have you been playing WoW/Char that you are applying with?
I started my char late May 2014, and have 17days 14hrs currently at level 90

- Can you give us a short description of what you do when you're healing, dpsing, or tanking? (Note: this is where you show us how well you know your class)
I all ways try to keep up my dots on targets and multi dot if it's a multi dot fight. Try to cast starsurge and starfall when it procted/up.

- We normally raid Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20.00-23.00. Sometimes we have to move our raids to other days due to exams and other rl stuff. Would you be able to attend?
I would be able to attend all raids, unless i have something important or need to stay back after work.

- Tell us something about yourself.
I'm a casual gamer willing to give advice to other people and also take advice from other players to improve my game play.

- If possible, provide a recent raiding log here. If not, tell us which kind of ice-cream you like least.
Due to my current guild not logging raids, i went into a Flex and screenshot my logs.
Protectors: https://i.imgur.com/Ik8Fiz2.png
Nuroshen: https://i.imgur.com/tIVmext.png
Sha Of Pride: https://i.imgur.com/yRYxT0V.png

- What is your current progress on the legendary quest chain?
Finished with cloak.

- Please add an UI screenshot to your application.


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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Deenster Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:39 pm

Forgot to note i haven't got my HC token piece equipt at the moment, but with it I'm 571.


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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Merberan Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:12 pm

Allright, first things first, I must say you seem very mature and reasonable for your age, which is a good thing :p Just wondering though, people around here enjoy giving eachother a hard time every now and then, I assume you've no issues with that?

Some more questions then:
Could you expand a bit on how your priority works? Like, when is the best time to cast what, when to refresh dots, what you do when on the move, etc.

Lastly, what are the balance druid utility spells that you use alot? When, where and why?

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Deenster Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:32 pm

I'm fine with people giving me a hard time.

Best time to cast/refresh dots is either when i'm needing to move or when AffDots says to cast them, if i've just started to cast wraith or moonfire and starsurge procts i will either move slightly left right or forward and cast it as soon as i can, on the move i will try to cast dots (if needed to be cast) and allways try to cast starsurge when it procs.

I normally use Heart of the wild and tranq when needed for a raid cool down and a lot of people are low or just even called for it.

I like using displacer beast for if i need to get anywhere quickly and to try and dodge stuff if needed.

Renewal for a quick heal when low mostly used if there is warlock with healthstones in the group.

Typhoon to knock adds/trash away when needed for example immersus with the blobs on split phase and shammans.

Incarnation to give me the burst at the start of the fight to keep my DPS as high as i can.

Mighty bash, to stun certain mobs like the warshammys on nazgrim.

Hearth of the wild goes nicely with tranq and when i need to off heal for certain fights.


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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  deenster Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:32 pm

Heart of the wild i mean*


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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Merberan Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:29 am

Allrighty, this all looks pretty good, just one last question then: On heroic siegecrafter, which talents would you take and why? Both for the kill missile-tactic and the kill mine-tactic please.

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Deenster Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:10 pm

Displacer beast, blink for crossing fire lines & missile lines, especially during magnet or with lock on.

Usually ysera's gift for highest healing/minute, but renewal as a good option for overload / death from above AoE damage.

Typhoon for knocking mines.

Incarnation is good for burst during heroism, force of nature is a good option to clip treants with proccs for sustained damage throughout movement (Magnet, Laser etc).

Ursolvs vortex to slow down the travel time of mines, mighty bash is only good for one target where as ursols affects many.

Heart of the wild for a large Tranquillity CD, otherwise natures vigil for 90 sec CD, 30 sec duration damage increase for empowered mines (almost full duration) which causes 12% increased damage and 25% of any damage caused as healing which can benefit raid healing


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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Merberan Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:42 pm

Allrighty this all sounds quite good, we will accept you for a trial for now, it usually takes about a month or so. I'll brief you asap on how/where we do signups etc, in preparation for that, I'll need an email adress connected to a google docs account from you. As such, a gmail adress is probebly easiest :p (we use a google spreadsheet for the signs so that's why)

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid Empty Re: Failed - Deenster - Balance Druid

Post  Deenster Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:09 pm

To get in touch with me add me on bnet and i will talk to you, deno1231#2445


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