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Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock

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Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock Empty Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock

Post  Caesman Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:05 pm

What is your age? - 21
Where are you from? - The Netherlands
Do you have Mumble? - No but its possible i guess
Microphone? - yes
Name - Caesman
Class - Lock
Level - 90
Spec - destruction
Gear - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/Caesman/simple ( Next week Cloak)

- Are you willing to change spec if needed? If you have a dual PvE spec, what is your gear like for it?
yeah Always fun to learn something new

- What is your former experience?
first 8 normal

- What Guilds have you previously been in? What was your reason for leaving each Guild?
Only social guilds

- Do you know anyone in Disbanded that would vouch for you?

- Why do you want to join Disbanded?
Start more raidingand for exp to raid in new expansion
Tell us why we should pick you
To strenghten ur team

- How long have you been playing WoW/Char that you are applying with?
12 days playtime on 90

- Can you give us a short description of what you do when you're healing, dpsing, or tanking? (Note: this is where you show us how well you know your class)
Always keep curse and immolate up conflagrate when off cd incinirate when no trinkets or other buffs up chaos bolts or shadowburn with cd's / trinkets terrorguard depends on boss.
aoe with fire and brimstone

- We normally raid Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20.00-23.00. Sometimes we have to move our raids to other days due to exams and other rl stuff. Would you be able to attend?
im mostly free from 18:00

- Tell us something about yourself.
Im a 21 years old male. from the Netherlands 4 days a week school mostly playing wow after.

- If possible, provide a recent raiding log here. If not, tell us which kind of ice-cream you like least.
did do 8 normal last week with some chocolate ice.

- What is your current progress on the legendary quest chain?
11/12 titan runestones.

- Please add an UI screenshot to your application.
Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock 2s7e528

I like the basic settings Smile


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Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock Empty Re: Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock

Post  Merberan Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:24 am

Allrighty, a few questions:

What are your preferred stats as a destruction warlock? What site/addon/program do you use to optimise your gear?

Do you have any heroic raiding experience on any character anywhere?

What sort of utility do locks have? Give some encounter-specific examples please. Feel free to do some research on a bunch of heroic fights to check how warlock abilities could fit in there.

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock Empty A few answers

Post  Caesman Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:28 pm


a few answers.

my stats are int-mastery-crit/haste. i use mostly icy-veins.

no heroic but killed all on normal.

Let me give you an example about the iron juggernaut: In heroic mode, the tanks can't take all the mines. Since they do 1,5M dmg I got to use my defensive cooldown;demonic circle on the ground, sacrifical pact pack and unending resolve, then i take the mine and teleport back to my demonic circle to avoid falling damage.


PS: My armorylink isn't up to date anymore. Here is the new link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/Caesman/simple


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Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock Empty Re: Casual/trial ish - Caesman - destro lock

Post  Merberan Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:16 pm

Well, to be fair, at your gear level we really can't take you for the more difficult heroic progression content, as I'm sure you'll understand. What we can offer however, is a social/casual spot for now. This basically means that you can join on some of the easier farm bosses and the normal clear if/when we do it. That's about all we can offer you at this point though. If you're okay with this, feel free to whisper me or any other officer for an invite Smile

Posts : 257
Join date : 2012-01-20

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